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发布日期:2018-05-23 12:29:12 编辑整理:江西自考网 【字体: 】   【自考招生老师微信】



  Foreshadowing, the use of hints or clues in a novel or drama to suggest what will happen next. Writers use Foreshadowing to create interest and to build suspense.

  method used to build suspense by providing hints of what is to come.

  62. Soliloquy(独白)

  Soliloquy, in drama, means a moment when a character is alone and speaks his or her thoughts aloud……2>the line “to be, or not to be, that is the question”, which begins the famous soliloquy from Shakespeare‘s Hamlet.

  63.Narrative Poem(叙述诗)

  Narrative Poem refers to a poem that tells a story in verse,2>three traditional types of narrative poems include ballads, epics, metrical romances.

  3>it may consist of a series of incidents, as John Milton‘s paradise lost.

  64.Robin Hood(罗宾豪)

  Robin hood is a legendary hero of a series of English ballads, some of which date from at least the 14th century.

  2>the character of Robin Hood is many-sided. Strong, brave and intelligent, he is at the same time tender-hearted and affectionate.

  3> the dominant key in his character is his hatred for the cruel oppression and his love for the poor and downtrodden.4>another feature of Robin‘s view is his reverence for the king, Robin Hood was a people’s hero.

  65. Beowulf(贝奥武甫) 来源于自考 365 网 zikao365.com)

  Beowulf, a typical example of old English poetry, is regarded as the greatest national epic of t he Anglo-Saxons. 2> the epic describes the exploits of a Scandinavian hero, Beowulf, in fighting against the monster Grendel, his revengeful nother, and a fire-breathing dragon in his declining years. While fight against the dragon, Beowulf was mortally wounded, however, he killed the dragon at the cost of his life, Beowulf is shown not only as a glorious hero but also as a protector of the people.

  66. Baroque(巴罗克式风格)

  This is originally a term of abuse applied to 17th century Italian art and that of other countries. It is characterized by the unclassical use of classical forms, in a literary context; it is loosely used to describe highly ornamented verse or prose, abounding in extravagant conceits.


  67. Cavalier poets(骑士派诗人)

  A name given to supporters of Charles I in the civil war. These poets were not a formal group, but all influenced by Ben Jonson and like him paid little attention to the sonnet. Their lyrics are distinguished by short lines, precise but idiomatic diction, and an urbane and graceful wit.

  68. Elegy(挽歌)(来源于自考 365 网 zikao365.com)

  Elegy has typically been used to refer to reflective poems that lament the loss of something or someone, and characterized by their metrical form.

  69. Restoration Comedy(复辟时期喜剧)

  Restoration Comedy, also the comedy of manners, developed upon the reopening of the theatres after the re-establishment of monarchy with the return of Charles II…… Its predominant tone was witty, bawdy, cynical, and amoral. Standard characters include fops, bawds, scheming valets, country squires, and sexually voracious young widows and older women. The principle theme is sexual intrigue, either for its own sake or for money.


  70. Action(情节)

  A real or fictional event or series of such events comprising the subject of a novel, story, narrative poem, or a play, especially in the sense of what the characters do in such a narrative.

  71. Adventure novel(探险小说)

  The adventure novel is a literary genry that has adventure, an exciting undertaking involving risk and physical danger, as its main theme, in which exciting events and fast paced actions are more important than character development, theme, or symbolism.

  72. Archaism(古语)(来源于自考 365 网 zikao365.com)

  A word, expression, spelling, or phrase that is out of date in the common speech of an era, but still deliberately used by writer, poet, or playwright for artistic purposes.

  73. Atmosphere(基调)

  The prevailing mood or feeling of a literary work. Atmosphere is often developed, at least in part, through descriptions of setting. Such descriptions help to create an emotional climate for the werrors to establish the reader‘s expectations and attitudes.

  74. Didactic literature(说教文学)

  Didactic literature is said to be didactic if it deliberately teaches some moral lesson, the use of literature for such teaching is one of its traditional justifications.2>most modern literary works during the enlightenment period tended to be didactic.

  75. Epigram(警句)

  A short, witty, pointed statement often in the form of a poem.

本文标签:江西自考 文学类 自考英美文学选读名词解释五
















日期:2018-05-23 12:29:12  整理:江西自考网  浏览(


  Foreshadowing, the use of hints or clues in a novel or drama to suggest what will happen next. Writers use Foreshadowing to create interest and to build suspense.

  method used to build suspense by providing hints of what is to come.

  62. Soliloquy(独白)

  Soliloquy, in drama, means a moment when a character is alone and speaks his or her thoughts aloud……2>the line “to be, or not to be, that is the question”, which begins the famous soliloquy from Shakespeare‘s Hamlet.

  63.Narrative Poem(叙述诗)

  Narrative Poem refers to a poem that tells a story in verse,2>three traditional types of narrative poems include ballads, epics, metrical romances.

  3>it may consist of a series of incidents, as John Milton‘s paradise lost.

  64.Robin Hood(罗宾豪)

  Robin hood is a legendary hero of a series of English ballads, some of which date from at least the 14th century.

  2>the character of Robin Hood is many-sided. Strong, brave and intelligent, he is at the same time tender-hearted and affectionate.

  3> the dominant key in his character is his hatred for the cruel oppression and his love for the poor and downtrodden.4>another feature of Robin‘s view is his reverence for the king, Robin Hood was a people’s hero.

  65. Beowulf(贝奥武甫) 来源于自考 365 网 zikao365.com)

  Beowulf, a typical example of old English poetry, is regarded as the greatest national epic of t he Anglo-Saxons. 2> the epic describes the exploits of a Scandinavian hero, Beowulf, in fighting against the monster Grendel, his revengeful nother, and a fire-breathing dragon in his declining years. While fight against the dragon, Beowulf was mortally wounded, however, he killed the dragon at the cost of his life, Beowulf is shown not only as a glorious hero but also as a protector of the people.

  66. Baroque(巴罗克式风格)

  This is originally a term of abuse applied to 17th century Italian art and that of other countries. It is characterized by the unclassical use of classical forms, in a literary context; it is loosely used to describe highly ornamented verse or prose, abounding in extravagant conceits.


  67. Cavalier poets(骑士派诗人)

  A name given to supporters of Charles I in the civil war. These poets were not a formal group, but all influenced by Ben Jonson and like him paid little attention to the sonnet. Their lyrics are distinguished by short lines, precise but idiomatic diction, and an urbane and graceful wit.

  68. Elegy(挽歌)(来源于自考 365 网 zikao365.com)

  Elegy has typically been used to refer to reflective poems that lament the loss of something or someone, and characterized by their metrical form.

  69. Restoration Comedy(复辟时期喜剧)

  Restoration Comedy, also the comedy of manners, developed upon the reopening of the theatres after the re-establishment of monarchy with the return of Charles II…… Its predominant tone was witty, bawdy, cynical, and amoral. Standard characters include fops, bawds, scheming valets, country squires, and sexually voracious young widows and older women. The principle theme is sexual intrigue, either for its own sake or for money.


  70. Action(情节)

  A real or fictional event or series of such events comprising the subject of a novel, story, narrative poem, or a play, especially in the sense of what the characters do in such a narrative.

  71. Adventure novel(探险小说)

  The adventure novel is a literary genry that has adventure, an exciting undertaking involving risk and physical danger, as its main theme, in which exciting events and fast paced actions are more important than character development, theme, or symbolism.

  72. Archaism(古语)(来源于自考 365 网 zikao365.com)

  A word, expression, spelling, or phrase that is out of date in the common speech of an era, but still deliberately used by writer, poet, or playwright for artistic purposes.

  73. Atmosphere(基调)

  The prevailing mood or feeling of a literary work. Atmosphere is often developed, at least in part, through descriptions of setting. Such descriptions help to create an emotional climate for the werrors to establish the reader‘s expectations and attitudes.

  74. Didactic literature(说教文学)

  Didactic literature is said to be didactic if it deliberately teaches some moral lesson, the use of literature for such teaching is one of its traditional justifications.2>most modern literary works during the enlightenment period tended to be didactic.

  75. Epigram(警句)

  A short, witty, pointed statement often in the form of a poem.

本文标签:江西自考 文学类 自考英美文学选读名词解释五







