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发布日期:2018-05-23 12:29:04 编辑整理:江西自考网 【字体: 】   【自考招生老师微信】


  UNIT 1


  behavior  n. way of acting 行为

  bound  v. leap 跳跃

  cage  n. a place where birds or animals are kept 笼子

  camera  n. an instrument to take pictures 照相机

  companion  n. a person or animal that spends time with another 同伴,伙伴

  compatible  a. suitable 适合的

  cover  vt. travel a certain distance  行过(路程)

  criminal  n. a man who has broken the law 罪犯,犯人

  deliver  v. hand over 传递

  disturbance  n. things that distract one‘s mind 打扰,干扰

  entertaining  a. amusing 有趣的

  escape  v. avoid 逃脱,避免

  factor  n. a particular side 方面

  fasten  v. fix firmly 扎牢,系牢

  hind  a. of a back part 后面的,在后的

  instinct  n. tendency without training 天性

  intelligence  n. ability to learn and understand 智力

  jungle  n. a tropical forest too thick to walk through easily 丛林

  odor  n. smell 气味

  particularly  ad. especially 尤其

  perform  v. do 从事,做

  photograph  v. take pictures (为……)拍照

  physical  a. of a concerning the body 身体的

  popular  a. well liked  受欢迎的

  property  n. things that are owned 财产

  retrieve  v. bring back 取回,带回

  spring  vi. jump suddenly from the ground 跳跃

  temperamental  a. of nature 性情的

  track (down)  v. find after search 追踪,追捕

  traffic  n. the movement of people or cars, trucks, etc 交通

  trail  n. path across rough country 小道,路径

  unexpected  a. never thought to happen  想不到的

  utilize  v. make use of 利用

  circus  n. 马戏团

  UNIT 2


  advantageous  a. profitable, helpful 有利的,有帮助的

  breathtaking  a. very unusual and astonishing 惊奇的,令人吃惊的

  bulk  n. great quantity   大批,大量

  decent  a. right and suitable  适当的

  equivalent  n. sth. that is equal to sth. else in value amount, etc. 等值物,相等物

  extort  v. obtain by force or threats 敲诈,勒索

  extravagant  a. uncontrolled  放肆的,越轨的

  fade  v. decrease 消失,衰弱

  greedy  a. filled with strong desire for sth. 贪婪的

  impertinence  n. rudeness or being not respectful  不礼貌,傲慢,鲁莽

  loo  n. water-closet 洗手间,厕所

  market  v. send to market for sale  (在市场上)销售

  novelty  n. newness, strangeness 新颖,新奇

  orthodox  a. generally accepted or approved 正统的,传统的,习俗的

  outrage  v. offend greatly 伤害,凌辱

  pengo  n. 辩戈(匈牙利从前的货币单位,1941年为福林所代替)

  pensioner  n. a person who is receiving money paid by a government because of old age or illness  领取抚恤金(或养老金等)者

  plead  v. admit; declare in official language that one is ( in a state of) 承认,申明

  resist  v. force oneself not to accept  抵制,抗拒

  roller-skate  v. skate with small wheels for use on a smooth surface 穿四轮滑冰鞋滑冰

  sane  a. healthy in mind 心智健全的,神志正常的

  sticky  a. tending to stick to what is touched 粘性的,胶粘的

  tastily  ad. pleasingly to the taste  美味的,可口地

  tremendous  a. very great, enormous 极大的,巨大的

  trifle  n. a thing of little value or importance  小事,琐事

  utterly  ad. completely 完全地,彻底地

  vaguely  ad. not clearly felt or understood  含糊的,模糊的,不明确的



  accident  n. sth. esp. sth. unpleasant, undesirable or damaging, that happens unexpectedly or by chance 意外的事;事故

  circulate  v. move or flow along a closed path 循环;环流

  clump  v. gather into or form a mass 丛生;成群

  concentration  n. the measure of the amount of a substance contained in a liquid 浓度

  condition  n. the state of general health or fitness 状况,状态

  consequence  n. sth. that follows from an action or condition; result 结果,后果

  determine  v. decide; find out (the exact facts) 决定,确定

  donate  v. make a gift of (sth.) esp. for a good purpose 捐赠,赠送

  donor  n. 损赠者;捐血者(blood~)

  gobble n. eat quickly, and sometimes noisily 狼吞虎咽

  infect  v. put disease into the body of (sb.) 传染;感染

  invade  v. attack and spread into so as to take control of 侵入;侵袭

  laboratory  n. a building or room in which a scientist works, with apparatus for the examination and testing of materials 实验室;研究室

  microscope  n. an instrument with lenses for making very small objects seem larger 显微镜

  mixture  n. a set of substances mixed together, which keep their separate qualities while combined in one mass 混合物;混合剂

  release v. set free; allow to come out 释放;放出

  response  n. an action done in answer 响应;反应

  sensitive  a. quick to show or feel the effect of a force or of the presence of sth. 敏感的

  separate  v. set or move apart 分离,分开

  soar  v. go upward, esp. far of fast 高涨;猛增

  stab  v. strike forcefully into with sth. pointed, esp. with a weapon to wound 刺入

  substance  n. material; a type of matter 物质

  technician  n. a highly skilled scientific or industrial worker; specialist in the practical details of a subject 技术员;技师;技术专家

  transfuse  v. put (the blood of one person) into the body of another 输(血)

  variety  n. difference of condition or quality 多样化;变化

  anti-A  antibody 抗A抗体

  antibody  n.抗体

  antigen  n.抗原

  serum  n.血清

  small intestine 小肠

  subtype  n. 分型



  acknowledge  v.  show that one recognizes someone else  对(人)打招呼

  appreciation  n.  grateful feelings  感谢

  appreciative  a.  thankful, grateful  感谢的,感激的

  betray  v.  make sth. known  泄露

  casually  ad.  with little attention or responsibility  漫不经心地

  cliche  n.  an out-dated idea or expression  陈腐思想;陈词滥调

  counter  n.  a table where people are served in a shop,bank, etc.  柜台

  demanding  a. requiring  要求高的

  effective  a.  having noticeable effect  有效的

  focus on     direct one‘s attention to   注视

  go about     begin to work at   着手

  greet  v.  welcome sb. with words or actions  欢迎;问候

  identify  v.  see clearly; prove sth. true  看清楚;鉴定

  impression  n.  what is left in one‘s mind after seeing sb. or sth.  印象

  inattentiveness  n.  giving no attention  漫不经心

  inspanidual  a.  suitable for each person only  个人的,个体的

  inflection  n.  change of voice in level  音变

  intuitively  ad. directly  直觉地,本能地

  memorable  a. worth remembering  值得纪念的;难忘的

  preoccupied  a.  inattentive; with the mind fixed on sth. else  出神的;一心想着别的

  product  n.  sth. produced in a factory or on a farm  产品,产物

  rapport  n.  friendly relationship  友好关系

  receptionist  n.  a person who receives customers, visitors, patients, etc.  接待员

  response  n. answer  回答

  retail  v.  sell goods to the general public  零售

  strengthen  v.  make sth. strong or stronger  加强

  subtle  a.  delicate, hardly noticeable  微妙的;难以觉察的

  vehicle  n.  a machine that carries people or things from place to place  运输工具;车辆

  veiled  a.  hidden; masked  隐藏的;遮掩的

  verbally  ad.  in spoken words  口头地

  virtually  ad.  almost, very nearly  几乎,简直

  dental  a.  牙齿的

  mileage  n.  英里数;里程

  telemarketing  n.  电讯直销

本文标签:江西自考 串讲笔记 自考英语阅读(二)词汇汇总一
















日期:2018-05-23 12:29:04  整理:江西自考网  浏览(

  UNIT 1


  behavior  n. way of acting 行为

  bound  v. leap 跳跃

  cage  n. a place where birds or animals are kept 笼子

  camera  n. an instrument to take pictures 照相机

  companion  n. a person or animal that spends time with another 同伴,伙伴

  compatible  a. suitable 适合的

  cover  vt. travel a certain distance  行过(路程)

  criminal  n. a man who has broken the law 罪犯,犯人

  deliver  v. hand over 传递

  disturbance  n. things that distract one‘s mind 打扰,干扰

  entertaining  a. amusing 有趣的

  escape  v. avoid 逃脱,避免

  factor  n. a particular side 方面

  fasten  v. fix firmly 扎牢,系牢

  hind  a. of a back part 后面的,在后的

  instinct  n. tendency without training 天性

  intelligence  n. ability to learn and understand 智力

  jungle  n. a tropical forest too thick to walk through easily 丛林

  odor  n. smell 气味

  particularly  ad. especially 尤其

  perform  v. do 从事,做

  photograph  v. take pictures (为……)拍照

  physical  a. of a concerning the body 身体的

  popular  a. well liked  受欢迎的

  property  n. things that are owned 财产

  retrieve  v. bring back 取回,带回

  spring  vi. jump suddenly from the ground 跳跃

  temperamental  a. of nature 性情的

  track (down)  v. find after search 追踪,追捕

  traffic  n. the movement of people or cars, trucks, etc 交通

  trail  n. path across rough country 小道,路径

  unexpected  a. never thought to happen  想不到的

  utilize  v. make use of 利用

  circus  n. 马戏团

  UNIT 2


  advantageous  a. profitable, helpful 有利的,有帮助的

  breathtaking  a. very unusual and astonishing 惊奇的,令人吃惊的

  bulk  n. great quantity   大批,大量

  decent  a. right and suitable  适当的

  equivalent  n. sth. that is equal to sth. else in value amount, etc. 等值物,相等物

  extort  v. obtain by force or threats 敲诈,勒索

  extravagant  a. uncontrolled  放肆的,越轨的

  fade  v. decrease 消失,衰弱

  greedy  a. filled with strong desire for sth. 贪婪的

  impertinence  n. rudeness or being not respectful  不礼貌,傲慢,鲁莽

  loo  n. water-closet 洗手间,厕所

  market  v. send to market for sale  (在市场上)销售

  novelty  n. newness, strangeness 新颖,新奇

  orthodox  a. generally accepted or approved 正统的,传统的,习俗的

  outrage  v. offend greatly 伤害,凌辱

  pengo  n. 辩戈(匈牙利从前的货币单位,1941年为福林所代替)

  pensioner  n. a person who is receiving money paid by a government because of old age or illness  领取抚恤金(或养老金等)者

  plead  v. admit; declare in official language that one is ( in a state of) 承认,申明

  resist  v. force oneself not to accept  抵制,抗拒

  roller-skate  v. skate with small wheels for use on a smooth surface 穿四轮滑冰鞋滑冰

  sane  a. healthy in mind 心智健全的,神志正常的

  sticky  a. tending to stick to what is touched 粘性的,胶粘的

  tastily  ad. pleasingly to the taste  美味的,可口地

  tremendous  a. very great, enormous 极大的,巨大的

  trifle  n. a thing of little value or importance  小事,琐事

  utterly  ad. completely 完全地,彻底地

  vaguely  ad. not clearly felt or understood  含糊的,模糊的,不明确的



  accident  n. sth. esp. sth. unpleasant, undesirable or damaging, that happens unexpectedly or by chance 意外的事;事故

  circulate  v. move or flow along a closed path 循环;环流

  clump  v. gather into or form a mass 丛生;成群

  concentration  n. the measure of the amount of a substance contained in a liquid 浓度

  condition  n. the state of general health or fitness 状况,状态

  consequence  n. sth. that follows from an action or condition; result 结果,后果

  determine  v. decide; find out (the exact facts) 决定,确定

  donate  v. make a gift of (sth.) esp. for a good purpose 捐赠,赠送

  donor  n. 损赠者;捐血者(blood~)

  gobble n. eat quickly, and sometimes noisily 狼吞虎咽

  infect  v. put disease into the body of (sb.) 传染;感染

  invade  v. attack and spread into so as to take control of 侵入;侵袭

  laboratory  n. a building or room in which a scientist works, with apparatus for the examination and testing of materials 实验室;研究室

  microscope  n. an instrument with lenses for making very small objects seem larger 显微镜

  mixture  n. a set of substances mixed together, which keep their separate qualities while combined in one mass 混合物;混合剂

  release v. set free; allow to come out 释放;放出

  response  n. an action done in answer 响应;反应

  sensitive  a. quick to show or feel the effect of a force or of the presence of sth. 敏感的

  separate  v. set or move apart 分离,分开

  soar  v. go upward, esp. far of fast 高涨;猛增

  stab  v. strike forcefully into with sth. pointed, esp. with a weapon to wound 刺入

  substance  n. material; a type of matter 物质

  technician  n. a highly skilled scientific or industrial worker; specialist in the practical details of a subject 技术员;技师;技术专家

  transfuse  v. put (the blood of one person) into the body of another 输(血)

  variety  n. difference of condition or quality 多样化;变化

  anti-A  antibody 抗A抗体

  antibody  n.抗体

  antigen  n.抗原

  serum  n.血清

  small intestine 小肠

  subtype  n. 分型



  acknowledge  v.  show that one recognizes someone else  对(人)打招呼

  appreciation  n.  grateful feelings  感谢

  appreciative  a.  thankful, grateful  感谢的,感激的

  betray  v.  make sth. known  泄露

  casually  ad.  with little attention or responsibility  漫不经心地

  cliche  n.  an out-dated idea or expression  陈腐思想;陈词滥调

  counter  n.  a table where people are served in a shop,bank, etc.  柜台

  demanding  a. requiring  要求高的

  effective  a.  having noticeable effect  有效的

  focus on     direct one‘s attention to   注视

  go about     begin to work at   着手

  greet  v.  welcome sb. with words or actions  欢迎;问候

  identify  v.  see clearly; prove sth. true  看清楚;鉴定

  impression  n.  what is left in one‘s mind after seeing sb. or sth.  印象

  inattentiveness  n.  giving no attention  漫不经心

  inspanidual  a.  suitable for each person only  个人的,个体的

  inflection  n.  change of voice in level  音变

  intuitively  ad. directly  直觉地,本能地

  memorable  a. worth remembering  值得纪念的;难忘的

  preoccupied  a.  inattentive; with the mind fixed on sth. else  出神的;一心想着别的

  product  n.  sth. produced in a factory or on a farm  产品,产物

  rapport  n.  friendly relationship  友好关系

  receptionist  n.  a person who receives customers, visitors, patients, etc.  接待员

  response  n. answer  回答

  retail  v.  sell goods to the general public  零售

  strengthen  v.  make sth. strong or stronger  加强

  subtle  a.  delicate, hardly noticeable  微妙的;难以觉察的

  vehicle  n.  a machine that carries people or things from place to place  运输工具;车辆

  veiled  a.  hidden; masked  隐藏的;遮掩的

  verbally  ad.  in spoken words  口头地

  virtually  ad.  almost, very nearly  几乎,简直

  dental  a.  牙齿的

  mileage  n.  英里数;里程

  telemarketing  n.  电讯直销

本文标签:江西自考 串讲笔记 自考英语阅读(二)词汇汇总一







